A selection of images captured recently
using either drones or other cameras

A selection of images captured recently using either drones or other cameras.

New roundabout being surfaced for a development near Rothley, Leicester.

A vertical shot (just about able to get the roundabout in at 400ft) taken with a Mavic 2 Pro.

Langford Lowfields Nature Reserve. 

This site is one I have a long history with as I/we secured planning permission for this then greenfield site when I worked for Tarmac back in 1980's. The application was contrary to policy as in those days the norm was to restore to agriculture.

A fabulous nature reserve has been created and owned and managed by the RSPB.

Ratcliffe Power Station.

I have undertaken a variety of jobs at Ratcliffe including measuring coal and ash stocks through to providing aerial stills and video.

For the stocks I have used a Phantom 4 Pro and an AgEagle eBee X. For the nightome shot I used a Mavic 2 Pro with everything set to "Auto" which works well.

Davidsons Homes, Bromham, Nr Bedford.

Another site I have filmed regularly from the onset. I have provided monthly updates as well as a number of photogrammetry surveys along with volumetric analysis.

I used an iPhone to capture this shot. I really do like the split chestnut palings which surround the SUDS area. Davidsons have also used local stone to create a boundary and bellmouth to the highway. 

Challenger Scrapers at Work

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