The last two weeks have been very busy with flying. This week alone we have flown 19 sites for one client providing a monthly update of construction progress. The video captured has all been editied and sent to the client with the final four sites having been flown earlier today. Weather has caused some disruption but we have managed to work around it with editing work being undertaken when it hasn't been fit to fly. These videos now form a key part of keeping the senior managment team updated on construction progress but also provides an excellent review for health and safety and good housekeeping. Key to filming and processing a large number of sites is having a good workflow. At the heart of this is good and accurate flying with the drone to capture the imagery on the first take. Added to that you need to have an understanding on how you are going to piece the video the clips together. That all comes with practice.

Next week we have commissions from three new clients. The projects include three sites for general video and still imagery to aid property managment, two condition surveys, one construction update for a very large shed and finally a farm for 400 acres to map. Quite varied work and all requiring a different approach.

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